Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My "tourist" video.

I was debating on posting this video or not because the quality certainly isn't where I would want it to be. Then I realized that I just wanted to share with friends and family a quick look at some things I've seen since I arrived in Hawaii, and it doesn't need to be professional quality to do so.

The reason the quality isn't that great is because I haven't went out with the specific goal of shooting video, rather I've taken many photography excursions where I will sometimes flip the camera over to record and grab a few shots.

So, I hope you enjoy my rather "touristy" looking video. Also I want to credit Devin Graham for the underwater shots that he recorded while we were snorkeling the other day.


  1. Very cool!! :) Keep the videos and pictures coming!

  2. I loved it!! Of course I love all you do! Cant wait to see more!

  3. Jace! This is great! I loved it! I love your blog, your pics.....everything! Can't wait to see what adventure you will be having next!

  4. where did the music come from for this?

  5. Sambo, The music comes from a website called "killertracks.com"
